
The fair offers thematic audio guides that propose an immersive tour through Rotas, with directions and commentary on works and artists presented at different stands.

In this edition, the routes were created by curators Felipe Molitor and Lucas Albuquerque, addressing themes such as religious expressions and transatlantic diasporas.

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It’s your waves that carry me

“I dance the dance of your tides / you tidal wave, you calm tide.” The lyrics of the Bahian singer Luedji Luna accompany this audio guide, which explores the work of older artists and the young ones who carry their influences. How can we understand contemporary art through the idea of legacy and respect for memory?

I came from there, I came from there…

“But I came from there very small / someone warned me to tread this ground carefully.” Dona Ivone Lara evokes in her words the movement of migrations, which in this audio guide becomes the key to exploring the work of artists from the diaspora. How can we think of Brazil without considering the contributions of cultural encounters?


Sacred path that runs infinitely

“Here I am / with my voice receiving the light of this land / sacred path that runs infinitely to the open arms of the sea.” This audio guide is inspired by the sacred songs of Serena Assumpção and Céu to explore artists whose work reflects the presence of the divine. How does art connect with spirituality?