Prizes and Grants

SP-Arte constantly seeks out ways to create and reinforce bonds that unite different players in the art circuit. As such, it fosters actions earmarked for artists, curators, institutions and galleries. They are initiatives that leverage continued education opportunities through residency grants abroad, offered to Brazilian creators, and financial support for the development of creative projects.

Check out the photos of the awards +

SP-Arte Residency Prize


The SP-Arte Residency Prize 2017 offers a stay at Residency Unlimited (RU), in New York, and other at Delfina Foundation, London. Both will have a two-month duration. Brazilian 35-plus year-old artists showing their work at SP-Arte/2017 are the ones able to being write off for the prize. In the last edition, Na edição 2017, Regina Parra was chosen for RU; while Alice Shintani was selected for the Delfina Foundation.

Illy Sustain Art


Supporting young talents in art scene, SP-Arte – in partnership with Illy – gives Illy Sustain Art Prize for the fifth time, which consists in an amount of R$ 20.000.

Illy Sustain Art was founded in 2007 to further young contemporary artists in developing countries. Among its initiatives, it offers the Illy Sustain Art Award, presented at contemporary art exhibitions and art fairs including ARCOmadrid, in Spain; Art Brussels, in Belgium; Art Rotterdam, in the Netherlands; Artissima, in Italy and, since 2012, SP-Arte in São Paulo. In April 2017, The winner was the artist Clara Ianni.

Marcos Amaro Foundation Prize


Em parceria com a Fundação Marcos Amaro, a SP-Arte realizou em 2017 um novo prêmio, que visa dar suporte a artistas que tenham se destacado em sua produção criativa. O artista multimídia Marcos Amaro, fundador da instituição, e a diretora do festival, Fernanda Feitosa, compõem a comissão responsável pela premiação ao lado do curador e crítico de arte Ricardo Resende, do artista plástico Gilberto Salvador e da galerista Andrea Rehder. O prêmio foi no valor de R$ 25 mil, ao artista Ivan Grilo.