Raquel Arnaud
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Forerunner of the artistic brazilian market, Raquel Arnaud’s Art Gallery played a fundamental role in the development and consolidation of contemporary art. The gallery was founded in 1973, firstly under the name “Gabinete de Arte” and since then has changed through outstanding locations (such as Nove de Julho and Brigadeiro Luís Antônio Avenues) at impressive venues signed by architects such as Lina Bo Bardi, Ruy Ohtake and Felippe Crescenti. From 1992 to 2011, the gallery was located at a venue owned by the “Subdistrito Comercial de Arte”, at Artur de Azevedo Street.
Focusing on the geometrical abstraction segment and concentrating on the investigation of contemporary art (constructivist art and kinetics, art installations, sculptures, paintings, drawings and objects), Raquel Arnaud’s Gallery consolidated its status in Brazil and overseas for its coherency and unique contribution to the valorization and consolidation of the Brazilian art. Artists such as Amilcar de Castro, Willys de Castro, Lygia Clark, Mira Schendel, Sergio Camargo, Waltercio Caldas, Iole de Freitas, Arthur Luiz Piza among others have had a fundamental contribution for the gallery to achieve this status.
Currently located at 125 Fidalga Street, in São Paulo, Raquel Arnaud’s Gallery represents nationally and worldwide recognized artists such as Waltercio Caldas, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Arthur Luiz Piza, Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Iole de Freitas, Maria-Carmen Perlingeiro, Carlos Zilio and Tuneu. Young artists such as Frida Baranek, Geórgia Kyriakakis, Daniel Feingold, Célia Euvaldo, Marco Giannotti, Alberto Martins, Carla Chaim, Carlos Nunes and Ding Musa attest to the consolidation of their new contemporary artistic languages.
Yannick B. Carvalho
Raquel Arnaud
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